AuroraDroid is a Free/Libre alternative to Google PlayStore designed with a beautiful user interface based on Material Design, it presents a powerful application installer that allows you to pause, resume and retry the installation process and includes by default more than 10 free application repositories.
Once the repositories are synchronized AuroraDroid shows us on the Home screen the latest added applications (new applications), the applications that have been recently updated and the active repositories, it also has a Updates screen from which we can download and install the latest versions of our applications and in the Categories screen the applications are grouped by categories: Connectivity, Development, Games, Graphics, Internet among other.
When you select an application AuroraDroid will show us its name, the date of the last update, the size it occupies on disk, the architecture, the license, the required SDK version, screenshots and the repository to which this application belongs, it is also possible to see the description, the permissions required for the application to run, the link to the source code, the project site and other settings. AuroraDroid also allows filtering/searching applications by keywords.