File Browser, a web file manager

File Browser is an elegant file browser and file manager for the web with the following features:

  • Clear and simple interface
  • Allows these operations over the files:
    • Upload
    • Download
    • Delete
    • Edit
    • Preview
  • User administration
    • You can create multiple users and each user have their own directory
  • Easy to install


Download the binary executing:

$ curl -fsSL | bash

In Alpine Linux you need to install BASH.

$ sudo apk add bash

Copy the binary to /usr/local/bin

$ sudo install filebrowser /usr/local/bin/

Start the File Browser

From the command line

All the files that you upload through File Browser will be stored in storage, it is also possible to use a DIR that already exists, for example a Web directory.

$ mkdir storage


$ nohup filebrowser -a IP -b / -p 8000 -r storage/&

The File Browser starts in the background, the advantage is that we can execute the previous command using a standard user, the disadvantage is that if you restart your device then you must execute the command again, therefore it is advisable to create a service to be able to manage and start it with the operating system.

As a service

Add user and group filebrowser using GNU user land

With the following command we create the user and group filebrowser (note the --group option), the --system option means that the user id will be lower than 1000 (ID assigned by default to system users in Debian/Ubuntu).

sudo adduser --system --group --HOME /var/lib/filebrowser/ --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --no-create-home filebrowser

Add user and group filebrowser using using BusyBox

$ sudo addgroup -S filebrowser
$ sudo adduser -S -s /sbin/nologin -H -h /var/lib/filebrowser -G filebrowser filebrowser


  • -S: Create a system user/group.
  • -s: Login shell.
  • -H: Don’t create home directory.
  • -h: Home directory.
  • -G: User group.

Create /var/lib/filebrowser directory

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/filebrowser/storage

Change the owner

$ sudo chown -Rc filebrowser:filebrowser /var/lib/filebrowser

Create the configuration file

Create filebrowser directory

$ sudo mkdir /etc/filebrowser

Create the configuration file .filebrowser.toml

$ sudo touch /etc/filebrowser/.filebrowser.toml

Add the following options, check File Browser options for more details

address  = "Put here your IP or URL"
port 	 = 8080
root 	 = "/var/lib/filebrowser/storage"
database = "/var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db"
log 	 = "/var/log/filebrowser.log"

Create log file

$ sudo touch /var/log/filebrowser.log

Change the owner

$ sudo chown -c filebrowser:filebrowser /var/log/filebrowser.log

Create systemd unit

Create the systemd unit with the following command

$ sudo systemctl edit --force --full filebrowser


Description=Web File Browser



now we can:

$ sudo systemctl start filebrowser
$ sudo systemctl stop filebrowser
Check status
$ sudo systemctl status filebrowser
Start with the OS
$ sudo systemctl enabled filebrowser

As OpenRC service

For more information check:

Writing Init Scripts
Manpages of openrc in Debian
OpenRC Service Script Writing Guide

Create filebrowser file

$ sudo touch /etc/init.d/filebrowser


depend() {
	need net

assign exec perms:

$ sudo chmod -c 755 /etc/init.d/filebrowser

now we can:

$ sudo rc-service filebrowser start
$ sudo rc-service filebrowser stop
Start with the OS
$ sudo rc-update add filebrowser default

Now you can access the your File Browser at http://YourIP:8080/, the default username and password are: admin/admin.

Related links

YouTube Video

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