
16 Practical rsync examples


Rsync is a fast and versatile file synchronization tool that allows to copy and sync files locally and from rsync service or any device that supports remote shell (Rsync does not support synchronization between remote devices). Rsync offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behaviour and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied.

16 Practical rsync examples Read More »

VIM case sentive / insensitive search


How to make VIM insensitive to uppercase and lowercase letters in a search?

Vim by default is case sensitive but this behavior can be modified through the options: ignorecase, ic, noignorecase, noic or adding c to the search pattern

Note: If you are in insert mode you must press Esc to switch to Normal mode

Case insentive temporarily

:set ignorecase


:set ic

Case sensitive

:set noignorecase


:set noic

Using c


Find all words that contain category regardless of uppercase and lowercase letters

Case insensitive permanently

Edit the file /etc/vimrc (global) or ~/.vimrc (at the level of user) and add:

set ic


set ignorecase

Further reading

  • man vim
  • :help 'ignorecase', :help ignorecase

VIM case sentive / insensitive search Read More »

Kill GNU/Linux process from the command line

Desktop like GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDE have a task manager that allows you to terminate a process using the graphical interface, but not always we have managers like these or we simply work without graphical interface (server) and we need to kill a particular process because it does not respond to any action, and that's when should lend hands to the console

Kill GNU/Linux process from the command line Read More »

Nano: lightweight and flexible text editor

Nano, improved version of Pico, is a friendly, lightweight and flexible text editor, it is ideal to make simple edits. Nano is a modeless text editor (no need to run any command or key combination to start editing the selected file). Once started it shows in the first line: the current version, the name of the file being edited and whether it has been modified or not; then the file in question, in the third line from the bottom up the important messages and in the last 2 lines the most common shortcuts, see figure. The main keys for Nano are: Ctrl (^) and Esc (M), ie with Esc or Ctrl and another key combination we can execute an action. Within its essential features we can mention:

  • Clean interface
  • Low learning curve
  • Internationalization
  • Syntax highlighting for C, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, HTML, TeX and other
  • Searches / replacement by keywords or regular expressions
  • Forward / back one screen
  • File Explorer
  • Edit multiple files
  • Mouse support
  • Help integrated into the editor
[caption id="attachment_2937" align="aligncenter" width="911"]nano flexible and lightweight text editor nano flexible and lightweight text editor[/caption]


General syntax


Open the apache2.conf file and go to 20 line, column 23

nano +20,23 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf 

Edit file1.txt

nano file1.txt

Make relevant modifications and

Save the changes

Ctrl o

Nano it will request confirmation on the file that you want to modify, press:


Copy the current line and store it in the buffer

Esc 6

Cut the current line and store it in the buffer

Ctrl k

Paste what is in the buffer

Ctrl u

Use the mouse to select various lines

Esc a

To copy / cut / paste the selected lines use

Esc 6/Ctrl k/Ctrl u



Go to the first line of the file

Esc \

Go to the last line of the file

Esc /

Go to line 10, column 20

Esc g

Nano will request the line and column number to which you want to go, type:


Go to the beginning of the current line

Ctrl a

Go to the end of the current line

Ctrl e

Moving to matching braces

Esc ]

Advance one screen

Ctrl v

Go back one screen

Ctrl y

Advanced options

Search by keywords

Ctrl w

Search using regular expressions

Ctrl w Esc r

Repeat last search

Esc w

Enable / disable the mouse support

Esc m

Launch integrated help

Ctrl g

Further reading

Nano: lightweight and flexible text editor Read More »