
How to resolve keybinding conflict between Eclipse and XFCE


P. The default Eclipse keybinding comes into conflict with XFCE default keybinding, Eclipse use CTRL + ALT + ↑ and CTRL + ALT + ↓ to duplicate and copy text lines respectively, while XFCE used them to change from a higher to a lower workspace or vice versa. How to change this behavior?

R. To resolve the situation above you can follow one of the following procedures

Procedure 1 – change the shortcuts in the Eclipse configuration

Change keybinding

[caption id="attachment_1261" align="alignleft" width="630"]Change keybinding in Eclipse Eclipse, change the keybinding for copy and paste actions[/caption]

Eclipse, change the keybinding for duplicate and copy actions

[caption id="attachment_1262" align="alignleft" width="630"]Eclipse, change the keybinding for copy and paste actions Eclipse, change the keybinding for copy and paste actions[/caption]

Procedure 2 – Change the XFCE keybinding for change a workspace to another actions

Xfce Menu->Settings->Windows manager
[caption id="attachment_1260" align="alignleft" width="630"]Keybinding in XFCE XFCE keybinding settings[/caption]

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